Paper publications by Faculty Members in Journals
Year 2019-2020
Sl. No. | Name of the faculty | Title of the Paper | Year of publication | Name of the journal | ISSN/ISBN number | National/International Journal |
1 | Dr.Sowmya | Traffic normalisation and Interference management in Femtocell- cellular network | Dec-19 | IJITEE | 2278-3075 | International |
2 | Dr. Sowmya | Development of predictive model to improve Accurancy of Medical Data processing using Machine Learning Techniques | May-19 | IJSRR | 978-93-87793-87 | International |
3 | Dr Sowmya | Framework for controlling Interface and Power Consumption on Femto-cells In- wireless systems | Sep-19 | CoMeSySo | ISBN-978-3-030-30328-0 | International |
4 | Ambika P R | Laplacian Matrix Based Spectral Graph Clustering | Dec-19 | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE | ISSN: 2278-3075 | International |
5 | Dr. Sowmya | A framework for Detecting Melanoma using deep Learning | Jul-20 | IJIRCCE | 2320-9801 | International |
6 | Shravya S | Brief Review: Self Defense System for Women Safety with GSM Alert and GPS Tracking | May-20 | IJRASET | 2321-9653 | International |
7 | Spoorthi M | COVID-19: Trends show probable impact on low- and middle-income countries | Jun-20 | DTE | GRJ/6745 | International |
8 | Mahadeva Prasad H M | A Study on impact of digital marketing on real estate in bangalore city | Jan-19 | BIMS | 2455 4839 | International |
9 | Sangeeta Uranakar | using Cloud information accountability (CIA) framework for storing personal health records in the cloud | Jul-19 | IJERT | Paper ID : IJERTCONV1IS04033 DOI: 10.17577/IJERTCONV1IS04033 | International |
10 | Dr.Sowmya | MELANOMA DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING | Jun-20 | IJIRSET | e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710 Volume 9, Issue 6 | International |
11 | Dr.Sowmya | A Frame Work for Detecting Melanoma Using Deep Learning | Jul-20 | IJIRCCE | e-ISSN: 2320-9801, p-ISSN: 2320-9798 Volume 8, Issue 7, | International |
12 | Dr Sowmya | A Study on Melanoma Detection using Deep learning algorithm | Aug-20 | IJIRSET | 2319-8753 | International |
Year 2021-2022
Sl. No. | Name of the faculty | Title of the Paper | Year of publication | Name of the journal | ISSN/ISBN number | National/International Journal |
1 | Dr.Sowmya | Social network analysis using Big data | Aug-21 | IJISET | 2319-8753 | International |
2 | Mahadeva Prasad H M | A study on Demand for cloud computing services during covid 19 crisis. 2. a STUDY ON impact of Digital marketing on real estate in bangalore city | Jan-21 | BRINDAVAN JOURNAL,BIMS JORNAL | E-ISSN-2582-7251,ISSN:2455-4839 | NATIONAL |
3 | Ambika P R | Optimization of sub-space clustering in a high dimension data using Laplacian graph and machine learning | March,2022 | International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA) | DOI: 10.1504/IJBRA.2022.121763 | International |
4 | Ambika P R | Laplacian Matrix Based Spectral Graph Clustering | Dec-19 | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE | ISSN: 2278-3075 | International |
5 | Swetha A | Performance Analysis of Distance Vector and Linked State Routing | Sep-22 | ITRJET | Volume 09 Issue 09, ISSN :2395-0056. Sep 2022 | International |
6 | Dr Sowmya | A journey on an Energy optimising technique using Femtocell | Jan-22 | IJIRCCE | 2320-9798 | International |
7 | Ambika P R | A journey on an Energy optimising technique using Femtocell | Jan-22 | IJIRCCE | 2320-9798 | International |
8 | Dr Sowmya | Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Maximizing network lifetime of MANETs | Jan-22 | IJIRSET | 2320-9801 | International |
Year 2023-2024
Sl. No. | Name of the faculty | Title of the Paper | Year of publication | Name of the journal | ISSN/ISBN number | National/International Journal |
1 | Spoorthi M | A Road Accident Prediction Model Using Data Mining & Machine Learning Techniques | Aug-23 | IJIRSET | |e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710 | International |
2 | Dr Sowmya | Generative AI &ML Models for 6G communications and internet of everything | Dec-23 | ECB | 2928-2939 doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si10.00347 | International |
3 | B Ramesh | Generative AI &ML Models for 6G communications and internet of everything | Dec-23 | ECB | 2928-2939 doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si10.00347 | International |
4 | Archana Bhat | Value and Policy Gradient Based Algorithms for Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing | Dec-23 | Journal of Xidian University | | International |
5 | Dr Sowmya | Wearable device using AI and IOT for assessment of fetal and Maternal Well- being during Pregnancy | Jun-23 | IJIRSET | 2319-8753 DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.1206041 | International |
6 | Varalakshmi P | Ship Detection using Yolov8 and Yolo-NAS | Dec-23 | Gradivareview | GRJ/6745 | International |
7 | Swetha A | Heart Disease Prediction Performance Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Aug-23 | TIJER | Volume 10, Issue 08, ISSN:2349-9249, Aug 2023 | International |
8 | Shruthi B S | Heart Disease Prediction Performance Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Aug-23 | TIJER | Volume 10, Issue 08, ISSN:2349-9249, Aug 2023 | International |
9 | Ambika P R | An Efficient and Robust Machine learning Framework for High-Dimensional Data Exploration and Analysis | December,2023 | Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology | | International |
10 | Spoorthi M | Raita Mitra for Crop and Pesticide Recommendation along with Disease Prediction using ML | Feb-23 | IJRASET | 2321-9653 | International |
11 | Dr Sowmya | Efficient network management and security in 5G enabled internet of things using deep learning algorithms” | Nov-23 | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) | Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024, pp. 1058~1070 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v14i1.pp1058-1070ISSN: 2088-8708 | International |
12 | A Framework of Mongodb For Handling Big Data And Development of Mongosight for Providing Easy Operations | Jun-23 | JETIR | Volume 10 Issue 6 eISSN: 2349-5162 | International | |
Paper publications by Faculty Members in Conferences
Year 2019-2020
Sl. No | Name of the faculty | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the Conference | National/ International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding |
1 | Ambika P R | Laplacian Matrix Based Spectral Graph Clustering | ICDECS-2019 | International Conference On Data Engineering And Communication Systems | International | Dec-19 | ISSN: 2278-3075 |
2 | Dr Sowmya | Framework For Controlling Interface And Power Consumption On Femto-Cells In- Wireless Systems | Comesyso 2019 SPRINGER | Intelligent Systems Applications In Software Engineering | International | Sep-19 | ISBN-978-3-030-30328-0 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30329-7_19 |
3 | Sangeeta Uranakar | Using Cloud Information Accountability (CIA) Framework For Storing Personal Health Records In The Cloud | NCRTICE | International Journal Of Engineering Research And Technology (IJERT) | National | Jul-19 | DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV1IS04033 |
4 | Laxmi M C | Auto Segmentation Of Retinal Blood Vessels | ICCSTAR-2019 | Computer Science &Technology Allies On Research | National | Jun-19 | ISSN NO:2279-543X |
5 | Archana Bhat | Contactless Attendance Monitoring System With Thermal Screening Using Arduino | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (IJERT) | Sixth National Conference On Advancements In Information Technology | National | 2020 | DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV8IS15030 |
Paper publications by Faculty Members in Conferences
Year 2021-2022
Sl. No | Name of the faculty | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the Conference | National/ International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding |
1 | Dr.Sowmya | A Study Fire Detection Using Color Pixel Classification | NCCSTAR | Computer Science &Technology Allies On Research | National | Jul-21 | ISBN:978-93-95196-71-0 |
2 | Ambika P R | Covid-19 Face Mask Detection And Alert System Using Machine Learning Techniques” Presented In | NCCSTAR-2021 | Computer Science And Technology Allies In Research | National | Jul-21 | ISBN:978-93-95196-71-0 |
3 | Swetha A | PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOL | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
4 | Laxmi M C | AI Based Crop Exhortation To The Cloud | ICCSTAR-2022 | Computer Science &Technology Allies On Research | National | Jun-22 | P-ISBN 978-93-90781-78-2. |
5 | Sangeetha Rao S | Prosthetic Arm And Home Appliances Controlled By Mind-Thoughts And Eyeblinks | ICCSTAR-2022 | Computer Science &Technology Allies On Research | National | Jun-22 | P-ISBN 978-93-90781-78-2. |
6 | Tejaswini BN | FRUITSENSE– Fruit Classification And Quality Assessment For Precision Agriculture Using Densenet With Transfer Learning | ICCSTAR-2022 | Computer Science &Technology Allies On Research | National | Jun-22 | P-ISBN 978-93-90781-78-2. |
7 | Dr .Sowmya | PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOL | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
8 | Sangeetha Rao S | Detecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud Computing | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
9 | Ambika P R | PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOL | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
10 | Laxmi M C | Detecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud Computing | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
11 | Dr .Sowmya | Detecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud Computing | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
12 | Tejaswini BN | Detecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud Computing | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
13 | Archana Bhat | PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOL | International Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET) | ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022) | International | Aug-22 | E-ISSN: 2395-0056 |
14 | Dr .Sowmya | Iot Based Motion Pattern Analysis System In Monitoring Application For Animal Repelling Devices In Smart Agriculture | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
15 | Grisih G A | Plant Diesease Detection | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
16 | Tejaswini BN | Covid Band A Smart Band To Monitor Cvid Patentite With Remote Assistant | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
17 | Vinod Kumar | E Commerce Website Based Mern Stack Framework And Sales Analysis Using Data Scinence | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference on Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
18 | Vinutha | Heart Diseases Prdiction And Classigfication Using ECG Morphology And Future Shegment | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
19 | Sangeetha | Detection Of Cyber Attacks In A Micre Service Application | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
20 | Swetha Shree | Bit Coin Price Prediction Using Machine Learning | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
21 | Sowmya | Detection Of Diabetic Eye Diesease From Retina Images | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
22 | Girish | Brain Tumor Detection Using Machine Learning | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
23 | Ambika P R | An Intelligent Parkinsons Disease Prediction System Based On Quantum Computing And Machine Learning | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
24 | Nandish A C | Chatbot For Diabetic Eye Disease from Rentinal Images | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
25 | Nandakumar | Smart Farming And Cotton Plant Disease Detection Using IOT And Deep Learing | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
26 | Shashikala | Facial Expression Detection | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
27 | Archana Bhat | Superfluous Classification Using Deep Learning | ICCSTAR-2022 | International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In Research | International | Jun-22 | ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2 |
Paper publications by Faculty Members in Conferences
Year 2023-2024
Sl. No | Name of the faculty | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the Conference | National/ International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding |
1 | Swetha A | Load-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And Unloading | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development (IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
2 | Swetha A | Autonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-Tron | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
3 | Shruthi B S | Load-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And Unloading | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
4 | Shruthi B S | Autonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-Tron | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
5 | Shravya S | Load-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And Unloading | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
6 | Shravya S | Autonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-Tron | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
7 | Vibhavi R N | Load-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And Unloading | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
8 | Vibhavi R N | Autonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-Tron | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development (IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
9 | Dr.Sowmya | Fake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks :Deep Learning Approach | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development (IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
10 | Dr.Sowmya | Wearable Device Using Ai And Iot For Assessment Of Fetal And Maternal Well Being During Pregnancy | ICCSTAR | Computer Science &Technology Allies On Research | International | May-23 | ISBN:978-93-95196-71-0 |
11 | Ambika P R | Secured Fundraiser Using Blockchain AndArtificial Intelligence | ICCSTAR-2023 | International Conference On Computer Science &Technology Allies In Research | International | May-23 | ISBN 978-93-95196-71-0 |
12 | Ambika P R | Fake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks :Deep Learning Approach | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
13 | Archana Bhat | Fake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks :Deep Learning Approach | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development (IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
14 | Shruthi Vijay | Intelligent Voting System With ID Verification And Face Detection | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges (IJCRD) | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
15 | Tejaswini B N | Intelligent Voting System With ID Verification And Face Detection | International Journal of Combined Research And Development | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges (IJCRD) | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
16 | Sangeeta Uranakar | Intelligent Voting System With ID Verification And Face Detection | International Journal of Combined Research And Development | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges (IJCRD) | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
17 | Laxmi M C | Fake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks:Deep Learning Approach | International Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD) | India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges | National | Sep-23 | Eissn:2321-225X |
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