

Paper publications by Faculty Members in Journals

Year 2019-2020

Sl. No.Name of the facultyTitle of the PaperYear of publicationName of the journalISSN/ISBN numberNational/International Journal
1Dr.SowmyaTraffic normalisation and Interference management in Femtocell- cellular networkDec-19IJITEE2278-3075International
2Dr. SowmyaDevelopment of predictive model to improve Accurancy of Medical Data processing using Machine Learning TechniquesMay-19IJSRR978-93-87793-87International
3Dr SowmyaFramework for controlling Interface and Power Consumption on Femto-cells In- wireless systemsSep-19CoMeSySoISBN-978-3-030-30328-0International
4Ambika P RLaplacian Matrix Based Spectral Graph ClusteringDec-19International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEEISSN: 2278-3075International
5Dr. SowmyaA framework for Detecting Melanoma using deep LearningJul-20IJIRCCE2320-9801International
6Shravya SBrief Review: Self Defense System for Women Safety with GSM Alert and GPS TrackingMay-20IJRASET2321-9653International
7Spoorthi MCOVID-19: Trends show probable impact on low- and middle-income countriesJun-20DTEGRJ/6745
8Mahadeva Prasad H MA Study on impact of digital marketing on real estate in bangalore cityJan-19BIMS2455 4839International
9Sangeeta Uranakarusing Cloud information accountability (CIA) framework for storing personal health records in the cloudJul-19IJERTPaper ID : IJERTCONV1IS04033 DOI: 10.17577/IJERTCONV1IS04033International
Jun-20IJIRSETe-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710 Volume 9, Issue 6International
11Dr.SowmyaA Frame Work for Detecting Melanoma Using

Deep Learning
Jul-20IJIRCCEe-ISSN: 2320-9801, p-ISSN: 2320-9798 Volume 8, Issue 7,International
12Dr SowmyaA Study on Melanoma Detection using Deep learning algorithmAug-20IJIRSET2319-8753International

Year 2021-2022

Sl. No.Name of the facultyTitle of the PaperYear of publicationName of the journalISSN/ISBN numberNational/International Journal
1Dr.SowmyaSocial network analysis using Big dataAug-21IJISET2319-8753International
2Mahadeva Prasad H MA study on Demand for cloud computing services during covid 19 crisis. 2. a STUDY ON impact of Digital marketing on real estate in bangalore cityJan-21BRINDAVAN JOURNAL,BIMS JORNALE-ISSN-2582-7251,ISSN:2455-4839NATIONAL
3Ambika P ROptimization of sub-space clustering in a high dimension data using Laplacian graph and machine learningMarch,2022International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA)DOI: 10.1504/IJBRA.2022.121763International
4Ambika P RLaplacian Matrix Based Spectral Graph ClusteringDec-19International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEEISSN: 2278-3075International
5Swetha APerformance Analysis of Distance Vector and Linked State RoutingSep-22ITRJETVolume 09 Issue 09, ISSN :2395-0056. Sep 2022International
6Dr SowmyaA journey on an Energy optimising technique using FemtocellJan-22IJIRCCE2320-9798International
7Ambika P RA journey on an Energy optimising technique using FemtocellJan-22IJIRCCE2320-9798International
8Dr SowmyaEnergy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Maximizing network lifetime of MANETsJan-22IJIRSET2320-9801International

Year 2023-2024

Sl. No.Name of the facultyTitle of the PaperYear of publicationName of the journalISSN/ISBN numberNational/International Journal
1Spoorthi MA Road Accident Prediction Model Using Data
Mining & Machine Learning Techniques
Aug-23IJIRSET|e-ISSN: 2319-8753, p-ISSN: 2320-6710International
2Dr SowmyaGenerative AI &ML Models for 6G communications and internet of everythingDec-23ECB2928-2939 doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si10.00347International
3B RameshGenerative AI &ML Models for 6G communications and internet of everythingDec-23ECB2928-2939 doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si10.00347International
4Archana BhatValue and Policy Gradient Based Algorithms for Task Offloading in Mobile Edge ComputingDec-23Journal of Xidian
5Dr SowmyaWearable device using AI and IOT for assessment of fetal and Maternal Well- being during PregnancyJun-23IJIRSET2319-8753 DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.1206041International
6Varalakshmi PShip Detection using Yolov8 and Yolo-NASDec-23GradivareviewGRJ/6745
7Swetha AHeart Disease Prediction Performance Analysis Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsAug-23TIJERVolume 10, Issue 08, ISSN:2349-9249, Aug 2023International
8Shruthi B SHeart Disease Prediction Performance Analysis Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsAug-23TIJERVolume 10, Issue 08, ISSN:2349-9249, Aug 2023International
9Ambika P RAn Efficient and Robust Machine learning Framework for High-Dimensional Data Exploration and AnalysisDecember,2023Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology
10Spoorthi MRaita Mitra for Crop and Pesticide
Recommendation along with Disease Prediction
using ML
11Dr SowmyaEfficient network management and security in 5G enabled internet of things using deep learning algorithms”Nov-23International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2024, pp. 1058~1070
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v14i1.pp1058-1070ISSN: 2088-8708
12A Framework of Mongodb For Handling Big
Data And Development of Mongosight for
Providing Easy Operations
Jun-23JETIRVolume 10 Issue 6 eISSN: 2349-5162International

Paper publications by Faculty Members in Conferences

Year 2019-2020

Sl. NoName of the facultyTitle of the paperTitle of the proceedings of the conferenceName of the ConferenceNational/ InternationalYear of publicationISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1Ambika P RLaplacian Matrix Based Spectral Graph ClusteringICDECS-2019International Conference On Data Engineering And Communication SystemsInternationalDec-19ISSN: 2278-3075
2Dr SowmyaFramework For Controlling Interface And Power Consumption On Femto-Cells In- Wireless SystemsComesyso 2019 SPRINGERIntelligent Systems Applications In Software EngineeringInternationalSep-19ISBN-978-3-030-30328-0 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30329-7_19
3Sangeeta UranakarUsing Cloud Information Accountability (CIA) Framework For Storing Personal Health Records In The CloudNCRTICEInternational Journal Of Engineering Research And Technology (IJERT)NationalJul-19DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV1IS04033
4Laxmi M CAuto Segmentation Of Retinal Blood VesselsICCSTAR-2019Computer Science &Technology Allies On ResearchNationalJun-19ISSN NO:2279-543X
5Archana BhatContactless Attendance Monitoring System With Thermal Screening Using ArduinoINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (IJERT)Sixth National Conference On Advancements In Information TechnologyNational2020DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV8IS15030

Paper publications by Faculty Members in Conferences

Year 2021-2022

Sl. NoName of the facultyTitle of the paperTitle of the proceedings of the conferenceName of the ConferenceNational/ InternationalYear of publicationISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1Dr.SowmyaA Study Fire Detection Using Color Pixel ClassificationNCCSTARComputer Science &Technology Allies On ResearchNationalJul-21ISBN:978-93-95196-71-0
2Ambika P RCovid-19 Face Mask Detection And Alert System Using Machine Learning Techniques” Presented InNCCSTAR-2021Computer Science And Technology Allies In ResearchNationalJul-21ISBN:978-93-95196-71-0
3Swetha APERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOLInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
4Laxmi M CAI Based Crop Exhortation To The CloudICCSTAR-2022Computer Science &Technology Allies On ResearchNationalJun-22P-ISBN 978-93-90781-78-2.
5Sangeetha Rao SProsthetic Arm And Home Appliances Controlled By Mind-Thoughts And EyeblinksICCSTAR-2022Computer Science &Technology Allies On ResearchNationalJun-22P-ISBN 978-93-90781-78-2.
6Tejaswini BNFRUITSENSE– Fruit Classification And Quality Assessment For Precision Agriculture Using Densenet With Transfer LearningICCSTAR-2022Computer Science &Technology Allies On ResearchNationalJun-22P-ISBN 978-93-90781-78-2.
7Dr .SowmyaPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOLInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
8Sangeetha Rao SDetecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud ComputingInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
9Ambika P RPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOLInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
10Laxmi M CDetecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud ComputingInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
11Dr .SowmyaDetecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud ComputingInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
12Tejaswini BNDetecting Data Leakage And Implementing Security Measures In Cloud ComputingInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
13Archana BhatPERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF DISTANCE VECTOR AND LINKED STATE ROUTING PROTOCOLInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (IRJET)ICFEMS-22(International Conference On Frontiers In Engineering,Management And Science (ICFEMS-2022)InternationalAug-22E-ISSN: 2395-0056
14Dr .SowmyaIot Based Motion Pattern Analysis System In Monitoring Application For Animal Repelling Devices In Smart AgricultureICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
15Grisih G APlant Diesease DetectionICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
16Tejaswini BNCovid Band A Smart Band To Monitor Cvid Patentite With Remote AssistantICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
17Vinod KumarE Commerce Website Based Mern Stack Framework And Sales Analysis Using Data ScinenceICCSTAR-2022International Conference on Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
18VinuthaHeart Diseases Prdiction And Classigfication Using ECG Morphology And Future ShegmentICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
19SangeethaDetection Of Cyber Attacks In A Micre Service ApplicationICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
20Swetha ShreeBit Coin Price Prediction Using Machine LearningICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
21SowmyaDetection Of Diabetic Eye Diesease From Retina ImagesICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
22GirishBrain Tumor Detection Using Machine LearningICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
23Ambika P RAn Intelligent Parkinsons Disease Prediction System Based On Quantum Computing And Machine LearningICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
24Nandish A CChatbot For Diabetic Eye Disease from Rentinal ImagesICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
25NandakumarSmart Farming And Cotton Plant Disease Detection Using IOT And Deep LearingICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
26ShashikalaFacial Expression DetectionICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2
27Archana BhatSuperfluous Classification Using Deep LearningICCSTAR-2022International Conference On Computer Science & Technology Allis In ResearchInternationalJun-22ISBN 978‐93‐90781‐78‐2

Paper publications by Faculty Members in Conferences

Year 2023-2024

Sl. NoName of the facultyTitle of the paperTitle of the proceedings of the conferenceName of the ConferenceNational/ InternationalYear of publicationISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1Swetha ALoad-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And UnloadingInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development (IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
2Swetha AAutonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-TronInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development(IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
3Shruthi B SLoad-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And UnloadingInternational Journal Of Combined Research And Development(IJCRD)India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
4Shruthi B SAutonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-TronInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development(IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
5Shravya SLoad-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And UnloadingInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development(IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
6Shravya SAutonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-TronInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development(IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
7Vibhavi R NLoad-Bot- Automatic System For Goods Loading And UnloadingInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development(IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
8Vibhavi R NAutonoums Garbage Carrying Robot-Trash-A-TronInternational Journal Of Combined Research And Development (IJCRD)India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
9Dr.SowmyaFake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks :Deep Learning ApproachInternational Journal Of Combined Research And Development (IJCRD)India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
10Dr.SowmyaWearable Device Using Ai And Iot For Assessment Of Fetal And Maternal Well Being During PregnancyICCSTARComputer Science &Technology Allies On ResearchInternationalMay-23ISBN:978-93-95196-71-0
11Ambika P RSecured Fundraiser Using Blockchain AndArtificial IntelligenceICCSTAR-2023International Conference On Computer Science &Technology Allies In ResearchInternationalMay-23ISBN 978-93-95196-71-0
12Ambika P RFake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks :Deep Learning ApproachInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development(IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
13Archana BhatFake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks :Deep Learning ApproachInternational Journal Of Combined Research And Development (IJCRD)India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
14Shruthi VijayIntelligent Voting System With ID Verification And Face DetectionInternational Journal Of Combined Research And DevelopmentIndia’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges (IJCRD)NationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
15Tejaswini B NIntelligent Voting System With ID Verification And Face DetectionInternational Journal of Combined Research And DevelopmentIndia’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges (IJCRD)NationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
16Sangeeta UranakarIntelligent Voting System With ID Verification And Face DetectionInternational Journal of Combined Research And DevelopmentIndia’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And Challenges (IJCRD)NationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X
17Laxmi M CFake Face Detection Using Convolution Neural Networks:Deep Learning ApproachInternational Journal Of Combined
Research And Development(IJCRD)
India’s Journey Towards The Trillion Economy – Opportunities And ChallengesNationalSep-23Eissn:2321-225X

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