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© JAN 2021 | IRE Journals | Volume 4 Issue 7 | ISSN: 2456-8880 IRE 1702567 ICONIC RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING JOURNALS 5 Traffic Audit Konanakunte Cross Junction on Kanakpur Road to Bannerghatta Road at Gottigere Via Jambusavari Dinne DR. THIPPESWAMY H.N.1 , AMITH M2 , MAHESH CHAND M R3 , MANJUNATH M P4 ,RAKESH K5 1 Professor & HOD, Department of Civil Engineering, City Engineering College, Bengaluru 2, 3, 4, 5 City Engineering College, Bengaluru Abstract- The main objective of the present work is to study is to control the Traffic Congestion. Traffic study is usually undertaken by the jurisdiction responsible for the transportation system. In the present study, the Traffic police department took the responsibility to study the traffic congestion in association with the engineering colleges of the area and take up the measures on suggestion. They identified certain road stretches prone to traffic congestion and asked the college nearby to suggest I) Short term, II) Intermediary/ Medium term and III) Long term improvements to help commuters to travel smoothly and reduce their travel time. One such stretch was “KONANAKUNTE CROSS JUNCTION ON KANAKPUR ROAD TO BANNERGHATTA ROAD AT GOTTIGERE VIA JAMBUSAVARI DINNE”. The study undertaken could not be successfully completed because of COVID-19. The future detailed study appears to be more promising with giving more hope as well as challenge for Engineers and Traffic department to help commuters to travel smoothly and reduce their travel time in the years to come.Mr. JAYANTH K S
Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue)| ISSN 2319-4979 A STUDY ON ROAD SAFETY AUDIT ON URBAN AND PERI-URBAN ROADS OF BENGALURU Nandini D.N. 1 , Vidya Sagar J. 2 , Bharath N. 3 , Prashnath G.S. 4 and Jayanth K.S. 5 12,3,4School of Civil Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 5 Civil Engineering, City College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Abstract-Road safety audit is a process to evaluate the accident potentiality and the condition of the road with respect to safety. A carefully thought-out safety audit program can bring invaluable benefits by helping in the determining of possible hazards and in turn assist in evolving suitable corrective and cautionary measures to minimize the hazards. So far, urban roads are not given importance for safety. In fact, at developing city or city level, there exists no such authority responsible to check safety on urban roads. We have IRC code for conducting audit on highways but there is no code book for urban roads. In this context, we have prepared a checklist and evaluated it on selected urban road in Bangalore city to determine the level of service of the road and deficiencies in the road.Information
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Civil Engineering
Dr. H. N. Thippeswamy Professor and Head, Ph.D E-mail: [email protected]
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